D-UNIT is section dedicated to improving the individual and team skills of WOHS defensemen.  All Warrior defensemen are required to check the D-UNIT page for updates on drills, tips and information to help improve their game - especially during the off-season.

The Warrior Defender:  [Download Copy]

1.    Is Skilled
a.    Good groundball players – “First-time GBs”
b.    Catching over the shoulder – ability to move up field quickly
c.    Quick passing – fast transition
2.    Is Aware
a.    High Lacrosse IQ
b.    Knows what is going on at all times on the field
c.    Where am I on the field?
d.    What is the ball carrier trying to accomplish?
e.    How can I deter the ball carrier from being successful?
f.     What is our scheme defensively?
3.    Takes Pride In His Approach
a.    You must be Aware in order to be successful with your Approach.
b.    Body position – foot placement; 45-degree angle
c.    Stick down
d.    Low hips – head below ball-carrier’s head
e.    Head up
f.     Hands away from your body
g.    Under control: Short, choppy steps in order to breakdown and smother – not lunge/overcommit
4.    Has Terrific Individual Technique On The Ball
a.    Able to defend one-on-one within the team system
b.    Make the game easier for off-ball defenders and goalie
c.    Trailing – keep ball carrier in non-threatening areas; includes “Trail to X Technique”.
d.    Angles – take a proper angle to deter ball carrier and win physical battle – “V-Hold” or “Strong Hold”.
e.    Feet – great footwork leads to great positioning in the approach
f.     Hands – Apply pressure, push the ball carrier around.  DO NOT lunge with your hands, your hands to the ball carrier with good footwork.
g.    Stick – last resort
h.    Read the posture of the ball carrier – dodging or feeding?
5.    Understands Proper Off-Ball Positioning
a.    Slide is able to meet the dodger where he becomes a threat.
b.    Communication is paramount for off-ball defenders.
c.    Stick-inside technique
d.    Use ball-side and far-side pipes to position yourself for help.
e.    Make sure defenders are aware of their covering responsibilities when sliding and are in proper position to make that coverage.
6.    Is Able To React To Specific Situations
a.    Know when to slide to help the on-ball defender.
b.    Are you sliding because we’re beat, to create tempo or cause a turnover?
c.    Communicate against picks – make sure the on-ball defender is aware of the pick and where it is coming from.
d.    Provide space for on-ball defender to get around pick and hedge off-ball in case a switch must occur.
e.    Picks at GLE are difficult to get around, prepare properly for a switch at that spot.
7.    Is Efficient In Unsettled Situations
a.    Stop the ball first where the ball carrier becomes a threat.
b.    The more passes a defense forces, the more efficient the defense will be.
c.    Anticipate the next offensive move after forcing the initial pass.

d.    Sticks in the passing lanes.

Defensive Drills [Video]:

"FIRE" Escape Ground Ball Drill

ND "32 Lunch Pail" Defense Drill

"Ball Bag" Ground Ball Drill

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